Ulykkelig træner forsinket og bestjålet

Torsdag d. 29. marts 2018 kl. 20:03 af Henrik Pfaff

Vores kommende træner Rasheed Lewis skulle være hentet i lufthavnen 2. påskedag og installeret i sin lejlighed. Og vore venner i Skoda, Bjørn Canings efterfølger i Glostrup ville have forsynet ham med en Fabia Stationcar tirsdag. Det bliver der ikke noget af.

Lewis ringede nærmest grædefærdig til næstformanden Skærtorsdag for at følge op på nedenstående mail, hvor han forklarer, at pas og visum m.v. er stjålet.

Ambassaden åbner først tirsdag og han kan tidligst få et nyt pas om en uge. Hvordan og hvornår han kan få et nyt visum vides ikke. Forhåbentligskal han ikke igennem hele møllen igen.
Så foreløbig må vi klare os selv - i snevejret

Hi Søren
I just returned from the police station to report a theft that took place as my bag was removed from my car. It included my VISA and wallet as I am in the process of moving out of my apartment. 

I contacted a friend who informed me that it will take a week to get another passport. I am not sure what the process is with regards to getting another VISA or whether I must start from scratch.
I will therefore not arrive next week as I do not have the necessary documents to leave South Africa.
I am fully aware that this is very upsetting news but trust me when I say this event places me too in a very difficult situation as most of my clients will not continue with coaching as I closed my coaching business and don't have arrangements for housing from the 1st of April.

Kind Regards.
Rasheed Lewis
WPCC Head Coach